Positive Qualities of a Great Project Manager

You know your business is going well when you have several projects at once. But managing these projects can give you a hard time. No matter how many or how big your projects are, and whether you’re a small or big business, learning more to manage them better doesn’t necessarily mean you have to work more.

Although sometimes it does, it definitely means working smarter. Being better at project management is being able to deliver efficiently and on time. This can indeed lead to more success, not to mention more employee productivity and reduced costs.

Being a Better Communicator

Team members, associates, superiors, stakeholders, and clients need consistent and effective communication to run a project smoothly. As the project manager, you should know by now that it’s your job to ensure safe and effective communication among you and your team is open so that anyone can talk to you as much as you with them.

Failure to show safe and open communication can most likely lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and, worse, the project’s failure. Without strong communication skills as a leader, you would find it, if not impossible, extremely difficult to manage your own team effectively and coordinate one another’s efforts to perform towards a successful project.

Asking for Feedback

Having to know what your team thinks about your leadership and how you run things is part of being a good leader and a good communicator. It isn’t a sign of weakness at all but a sign of strength. This shows that you’re someone who wants to improve regardless of how well you’re doing. It shows that you’re open to bettering yourself and boosting your team’s trust in you.

Asking for feedback from your team is a strategic way of figuring out what’s working for everybody and what’s not, whether it be your employees, clients, or customers. This way, you can improve what needs to be improved and keep doing what’s working for your team.


Receiving feedback from your team is also a way to identify and embrace your strengths and weaknesses. It can help you to be honest with yourself and figure out what you can do to make yourself work better than before. The more you know about yourself, the better manager you can be for your team and the entire organization. As this part becomes better, you can now provide better services to your clients and customers.

Handling Potential Risk and Existing Failure

Risk management is one highly required project management practice to be successful. Risks and threats are things that can creep up on you anytime and sabotage your whole progress in the project you’re working on. As a project manager, being able to identify future possible risks or failures beforehand is an effective measure so that they can be avoided or taken care of.

Sometimes failures can still surpass your skills in risk management. As a project manager, you should know many things about failures already. Isn’t that how you got to this position? In many cases, people aren’t capable of being a manager without experiencing the cons of being in a lower position first. As a leader, being able to stay motivated, especially during times of failures and struggles, is what can define you, and this would be a challenge that can change your career.

Staying Realistic

Having a realistic perspective is equal to having to view both the positive and negative sides of things and being able to handle it no matter what. Proper planning, effective communication, clear objectives, staying on budget are all part of staying realistic, whatever the situation is. You and your team can’t be successful without engaging in realistic plans and expectations.

Letting Technology Help You

Of course, handling a project alone is impossible, let alone improving your flow as fast as possible. Being updated and open-minded about new things that can enhance your organization’s productivity can help you manage time and projects. With so many project management and organizational tools today, you can choose the perfect ones for your company or organization.

Learning more about the latest technology in business is a way to keep up with the world and let you improve your already great flow. Investing in RFP response automation software can definitely make your business more productive and efficient.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the basics of being a good leader or manager isn’t enough. It also depends on your environment and the kind of company you’re working in, wherein you can customize your ways and be more innovative to create a much better work environment for your team.

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