Social Media for Landlords: 6 Ideas to Engage Your Tenants

Social media helps promote your rental property, but it can also be a tool for interacting and building relationships with your tenants.

With millennials preferring to rent than buy, it makes sense to engage with them on social media. Doing so makes them feel like they belong to the community. It might also increase their chances of renewing their lease.

Social Media Engagement Ideas

Here’s how you can use social media to engage with your tenants:

Create a Contest

Offer a cool prize that your residents can win by posting a photo for a specific theme. Create a hashtag specific to your property, so it’s easier to filter through the content. Aside from engaging your tenants, this contest is also an excellent way to help spread your community’s name.

Offer Exclusive Deals

Create a partnership with a nearby business and secure an exclusive deal for your residents. If you want to promote to prospective tenants, offer a waived or discounted application fee for them to inquire or sign a lease with you.

Engage with Your Tenants’ Posts

Sometimes, you’ll find residents posting photos of the community that matches your brand’s values. Get in touch with these tenants by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts.

Promote Community Events

Are you organising a party in your community? Promote them on social media. You can also share details of local events, like an upcoming farmers’ market or fireworks display.

Share Maintenance Updates

Tenants need to know if maintenance or other activities in the flat will disrupt their daily activities. This can be the case in inspections for electrical installation condition reports or significant maintenance.

Depending on the extent of the maintenance, inform your residents at least a week in advance so they can prepare. Use social media to share feedback on what projects can make their daily living better.

Respond to Enquiries

Encourage tenants to contact you through social media. Open your direct messages and have them send you any issue like a leaky tap or an annoying neighbour. You can look into using a chatbot programme to provide customer service at all times in the day.

Planning for Social Media Engagement

social media

Social media management can be time-intensive, and you must have a clear, detailed plan before you start posting online.

Determine your objectives and delegate who will manage your social media. Create a content calendar to schedule what you’ll post in a day and how often you’ll post. Set aside an hour going through your hashtags and talking to residents.

It’s also essential to define your property’s brand and audience. Your property will have a variety of people living in them, so your social media strategy should cater to all of them.

These are just several ways you can engage with your tenants on social media. Not only will you develop a relationship with them, but you’ll also see the difference in your retention rates.

Remember that it takes time before your social media strategy sees results. Once you do, you’ll find that it’s one of the best ways to engage your tenants and develop a sense of community around your property.

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