Efficiently Making the Most of Subdivision Maintenance Money

Part of the cash that people contribute through homeowners’ association dues goes to the upkeep of the various facilities in the place. It’s the reason behind the excellent condition of the amenities that you get to use in the subdivision.

However, the homeowner’s association money can’t all be used for maintaining the place. You may have community projects that you want to implement. Or maybe the money can be used as a contingency fund for when disasters strike in your area. Make your maintenance budget worth more for less by following these suggestions.

Use More Durable Materials

You may be tempted to go for the cheaper options when it comes to materials. But sometimes, you may end up spending more since you have to go and re-apply or fix something soon after. It’s best to go for quality, even if it’s going to cost a bit more. For example, it’s possible to find a thermoplastic paint supplier and use their product instead of the ordinary kind. It lasts longer, reducing the number of times that you have to re-paint your street markings.

Avail of Efficient Technologies

Aside from the materials, you can also make use of technologies that will not only last longer but also cost you less in upkeep. For example, you can replace all the lights that you have with LEDs if you haven’t done so already. Also, if you use air conditioners for some of your amenities, you can install energy-saving models. Even solar panels can be an excellent investment, especially if you use a lot of electricity.

Be Smart About Landscaping

If you have a lot of common ground that you have to manage, then landscaping would be one of your more important items on the maintenance list. One of the ways that you can reduce your costs is to plant species that will naturally thrive in your area. That is usually done by picking out what grows locally while considering their appearance as well. You won’t need to do too much special care work if you do so.

Get the Members Involved

neighborhood houses in suburbs

Keep in mind that you are practically a community of your own, so you can also get the homeowners in on the action to a degree. For example, you can occasionally hold cleanup drives or at least encourage them to tidy up their own lots’ surroundings. Even asking them to clean up after themselves and their pets while they’re outside can become a positive contribution. Another idea that may hold your interest would be to establish a community garden that everyone can use and has the responsibility to maintain.

From these examples, you can get the idea that you can generally cut down on maintenance costs by setting up an efficient system within your subdivision. It also helps to think of creative ways to make the amenities better. Since you live in it, you may consider it as an extension of your home. And who doesn’t want to make their residence easier to live in?

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