Home Renovation Ideas for the Creative and Budget Conscious

There are tons of reasons you would renovate your home. Some of them are simple. Some people are out to renovate a house for flipping. These are simple renovations and often involve redesigns meant to up the value of a home. There are those who want a new look for their homes. For one reason or another, they might want a smaller home or a larger one and are looking to expand or consolidate their homes based on their needs.

There are also those who have tragic reasons such as needing a fire damage repair to make their homes look better. Others even have flooded homes that are in bad need of a good restoration. Whatever your reasons are, here are some ideas for you if you’re looking to renovate your home:

The Stone Barn Look: Use Lots of Timber Arches

Of course, getting the stone barn look won’t work if you don’t tear away parts of your home to give way for the barn look. What do barns have? Timber buttresses, and lots of it. You’ll mostly have to spend a lot on buying wood, but the result will be worth it. Investing in this design will leave you with a spacious home that largely combines the rustic look with a few modern elements (mostly in the kitchen and the bathroom).

The Modern Barn Look: This Includes a Loft

You can bring the rustic look to the outer parts of your home and use a modern approach to the inner fixtures. This will make it look simple and unbecoming on the outside, while there’s a whole new modern world on the inside. It mixes the best of both worlds together, especially if you’re a fan of making old things new or creating a new combination out of two almost different ideas.

The Piecemeal Improvements: The Kitchen

This is reserved for those who need to renovate only a few parts of their homes. The kitchen is one of the most renovated parts of a home, and it usually begins with giving kitchen cabinets a fresh coat of paint. It’s best to leave most of the paint job to the professionals. But if you’d rather do this yourself, consider buying paint that meshes seamlessly with the theme you want your house to have.

The Piecemeal Improvements: Your Window Trim

Window Trim

The window trim is another part of a home that is often renovated. Usually a small project, window trims are in constant need of being replaced because they’re typically broken or damaged after a strong storm or hurricane. When buying window trims, you can also use surplus parts. They are cheaper than new trims, but you also need to be careful. You must possess a keen eye for spotting trims that are still in good condition from ones that are way past their shelf life.

The Piecemeal Improvements: Using Old Furniture

If it’s time to replace appliances that have been in your home for a long time, you’ll find that there are quite a few surprises to have. For instance, some of them might be repurposed for another use inside your home. Take the humble dresser, which can be remade into a kitchen island of sorts or remade into another container. Take an inventory of the different furniture inside your home instead of immediately buying replacements. You never know which ones might turn out to be exactly what you need, albeit for different uses.

These are some of the most basic and budget-saving improvements you can carry out for your home. This is usually the case if you’re tired of your home’s usual design. But if you’re all good, then keep these tips for future reference.

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