What Are the Changes Impacting Healthcare Marketing?

The healthcare landscape is changing. In many facilities, the expectations and demands of potential clients have evolved as well. So, what are the biggest changes impacting healthcare marketing today?

An Aging Population

The average lifespan around the world is rising. In the United States, it’s now up to 79 years. That means there are more people over the age of 65 than ever before. And as people live longer, they tend to need more healthcare services.

This trend has a significant impact on healthcare marketing. For one thing, there’s a growing demand for healthcare services. However, it also means that the demographics of the healthcare market are changing. And that calls for a strategy revamp to reach this new audience.


The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth services, which is likely to continue even after the pandemic ends. Telehealth offers myriads of benefits, including increased access to care, lower costs, and greater convenience.

Telehealth also widens a clinician’s reach. Their customer base is no longer limited to people who live within driving distance of their office. They can reach out to clients from another state or even another country. This is a game-changer for healthcare marketing and one that marketers must be prepared to capitalize on.

Patient Experience

Experience is becoming an important factor affecting a customer’s decision, whether buying a product or finding a clinic. In fact, a survey conducted by PWC found that patient experience has a greater influence on purchasing decisions made in healthcare than in any other industry.

This means that patient experience must be a top priority for marketers. From the moment a patient contacts a healthcare provider to the time they receive treatment and beyond, every touchpoint must be considered. Healthcare facilities can start by ensuring their website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. They should also provide clear and concise information about their services. Automation can also help create a positive patient experience. For example, dental offices can use online dental appointment scheduling software to automate some of the tedious tasks involved in managing appointments. This way, they can focus on providing quality care for their patients.

Personalized Care

Along with patient experience, there is also an expectation for health professionals to provide personalized care. This means taking into account each patient’s individual needs and preferences. After all, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all in health, and patients are aware that what worked for someone else might not necessarily work for them.

As such, healthcare marketers need to be able to segment their audiences and create targeted messages that speak to the specific needs of each group.

To do this, healthcare marketers need to collect data about their patients. This data can then be used to create targeted marketing campaigns that speak to each patient’s specific needs. Some use DNA testing to create personalized care plans. Others use data gathered from wearable devices to track a patient’s health and activity levels.

The goal is to create a healthcare experience tailored to the individual. This not only leads to better patient outcomes but also creates loyalty and repeat business.

A healthcare worker communicating with an elderly woman

Artificial Intelligence

There is no industry out there that has not been touched by artificial intelligence (AI). In healthcare, AI is being used in a number of ways, from diagnosis and treatment to customer service.

According to Beckers Hospital Review, AI is expected to be a $6.6 billion market by 2021. This is something that healthcare marketers need to be aware of and, if possible, incorporate into their marketing strategies.

One way to harness AI in healthcare is by using chatbots to do basic tasks such as appointment setting or answering frequently asked questions. This frees staff to do more important tasks and provides a better patient experience.

Healthcare marketers must be prepared to use AI to improve their campaigns’ efficiency and target their audiences more effectively.

Digital Health

Digital health is a broad term that covers a wide range of technologies, from apps and wearables to electronic health records. Basically, anything that can be used to improve the delivery of healthcare services can be considered digital health.

Digital health is becoming increasingly important as more and more people use technology to manage their health. There are several ways that healthcare marketers can take advantage of digital health. One is by creating mobile apps that help patients manage their health. These apps can be used to track fitness goals, medication schedules, or doctors’ appointments.

Another way to incorporate digital health into healthcare marketing is by using wearables such as a smartwatch or a fitness tracker. These devices can be used to collect data about a patient’s health and activity levels. This data can be used to improve the delivery of care or even to enhance marketing strategies.

The healthcare landscape is constantly changing, making it difficult for healthcare marketers to keep up. However, by being aware of the major changes impacting healthcare marketing today, you can ensure that your marketing strategies stay ahead of the curve.


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