Proven Ways to Increase Your Property Value through Landscaping

Most people focus on adding the value of a house by improving its interior. However, did you know that you can significantly increase the value of your home by improving the exterior? A beautiful landscaped house may get more interest and higher offers from potential buyers.

Whether you want to sell your property or improve it for other reasons, landscaping is one of the things that you should focus on. First impression matters for buyers and visitors. One of the benefits of landscaping is improving the home and increasing its value. The interior design may become stale and out of style after a while. However, plants and trees become robust and grow fuller, adding more beauty and increasing the value of your property. A landscaped property also has some advantages over a similar home that has not been landscaped. According to SF Gate, based on the original value of a house and the type of landscaping, its price advantage may range from 5.5% to 12.7%.

If you are looking for ways to do your landscaping, you can look into the landscaping ideas listed below. You can also contact residential landscaping experts to help you make the most suitable improvements.

Landscaping ideas to improve your property value

landscaping concept

Match your landscape to your home’s architectural style

One of the proven ways to increase the value of your home is by extending your home’s architectural style to your yard. The landscape of your home should be a reflection of your personality. Rather than working with abstract design principles, think of how you can use the space outside. Then, create a setting for what you want to achieve.

You can design your outdoor spaces for different activities, such as reading and relaxing, among others. When you extend your interior decorating style and colors outdoors, your indoor and outdoor spaces will flow to a unified whole. To get started, consider formal, informal, and naturalistic categories in matching your exterior to the style of the house. Good landscaping will help your home achieve a well-integrated design.

Plant trees

Planting trees is a great way to increase the value of your property through landscaping. Trees don’t need the same amount of effort and care as other parts of landscaping require. For trees to thrive, they require sunlight, soil, and water, which are naturally available. Trees also have many benefits, including reducing energy costs and adding value and aesthetic appeal to your property.

Having trees around your property has many benefits other than beautification. They improve air quality and make outdoor space comfortable. During hot weather conditions, trees help in keeping the environment cool. You may consider placing an outdoor seating area under trees. This will make the space functional and attractive. During the colder months, trees reduce the blowing of wind to your outdoor space.

Use landscape lighting

During the day, landscaped houses look great. However, not all of them look the same at night. Without outdoor lighting, landscaping cannot be seen at night. Adding landscaping lighting will highlight your yard’s features. To make your yard beautiful and warm, consider adding landscape lighting.

According to the National Association of Homebuilders, exterior lighting is one of the top features that potential buyers look for when making a home-purchasing decision. Therefore, placing outdoor lighting strategically will highlight the great features around the yard and increase the curb appeal. Different designs of lighting can be used in illuminating your outdoor spaces. However, don’t go overboard with it. Consider a few favorite features that you think should have lighting around it.

Update the walkways

The kind of impression that your property exudes depends on the walkways. The walkways have an impact on potential buyers. Having the walkway leading directly to the house front boosts the potential of a home and the possibility of being bought.

Keep the walkways clean. Having a dirty, cracked, or chipped walkway gives a wrong impression of the house. If your walkway is not in good condition, you may consider updating it to improve the appearance of your house exterior. You may also consider lining the walkway with stone pavers or brick to upgrade its appearance and give it an elegant feel. If you wish to have plants along the walkway, they should be sized appropriately to avoid obstruction of the path.

Create backyard living space

Most homeowners consider their backyards as an extension of their homes. Using landscaping features to develop an outdoor oasis may add appeal and value to your home. You may also consider having plants around the seating area or patio to add visual appeal and define the space. Landscape elements give an upscale feel and peaceful ambiance.

Making a new landscape or landscape improvements can be fun, exciting, and rewarding. However, deciding how to go about it can be overwhelming. The good news is that you can implement all these tips and more by hiring the right professionals to avoid spending too much time stressing over what to do. At the end of the day, what matters is that you achieve the best landscape design that suits your taste.

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