Five Most Overlooked Things in Construction Projects

Construction projects are complex undertakings that require careful planning and execution. There are many moving parts, and it’s easy to overlook something important. Currently, many projects are delayed due to the pandemic. However, that’s expected. If your project is delayed for other reasons, that can be problematic.

If you need a checklist of things you should keep an eye out for during projects, here are five things that are often overlooked in construction projects. By keeping these things in mind, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your project is a success.

The Schedule

One of the most important aspects of a construction project is the schedule. The schedule dictates when each phase of the project must be completed and sets milestones for the project. A well-crafted schedule will allow you to track the project’s progress and identify potential problems before they cause delays. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to stay on schedule:

The Scope of Work

The scope of work is a document that specifies what work must be completed as part of the construction project. This document should be reviewed and approved by all parties involved in the project before work begins. Likewise, any parties should document and approve any work scope changes before work resumes.

The Change Order Process

A change order is a request to change the scope of work or budget for a construction project. All parties involved in the project should review and approve change orders before work begins. Failure to follow this process can result in delays and cost overruns.

Construction Management Software

You’ll need construction management software if you want to stay on schedule. This software allows you to track the project’s progress, manage change orders, and keep all project documents in one place. Many different construction management software programs are available, so choose one that meets your needs.

The Budget

Another critical aspect of any construction project is the budget. A detailed budget will help you track your spending and ensure that you stay within your overall budget for the project. However, it’s also important to remember that the budget is not set in stone; it may need to be adjusted as the project progresses.


Many construction managers tend to overlook security when planning a project. However, security is essential, mainly if the project is located in a high-crime area. Construction sites are often targeted for theft, so it’s necessary to have adequate security measures in place. Here are some ways to ensure that security is top-notch in your project.

Security Guards

If you want to deter thieves, one of the best things you can do is hire security guards. Hiring a building site security service can help patrol the construction site and deter potential criminals. They can also report any suspicious activity to the police. They are your first kind of defense when preventing crimes inside the premises.

Alarm Systems

If you want to protect your construction site after hours, you should consider installing an alarm system. Alarm systems are a great way to deter criminals and notify the police if there is a break-in.

CCTV Systems

Another way to improve security at your construction site is to install CCTV cameras. CCTV cameras can help you monitor the construction site and deter potential criminals. They can also be used to identify criminals after a break-in has occurred.


The Contract

The contract is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of the agreement between you and the other party involved in the construction project. Therefore, it’s essential to review the contract carefully before signing it so that you understand all the terms and conditions.

Lean Construction Principles

Many project managers tend to forget the importance of lean construction principles. Lean construction is a method of construction that emphasizes the efficient use of resources. It explores ways to eliminate waste and improve the overall quality of the construction project. Implementing lean construction principles can help you save time and money on your construction project. Here’s how you can implement it in your construction project:

Eliminate Waste

One of the main goals of lean construction is to eliminate waste. There are many ways to eliminate waste in a construction project, such as streamlining the construction process, using recycled materials, and removing unnecessary steps.

Improve Quality

Another goal of lean construction is to improve the overall quality of the project. This can be done by ensuring that all materials meet the required specifications and regular quality control checks.

Reduce Costs

Implementing lean construction principles can also help you reduce costs. You can save money on your construction project by eliminating waste and improving quality.

These are just a few things that are often overlooked in construction projects. By keeping these things in mind, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your project is a success.

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