Want to be a Professional Guitarist? What to Do

Professional guitarists are some of the world’s most talented and well-paid musicians. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for musicians and singers was $29.10 per hour. That’s more than twice the national median wage of $12.07 per hour. And according to a study, the average salary for a professional guitarist is $71,318. That’s higher than the average salary for most jobs in the United States.

So why are professional guitarists so well-paid? There are several reasons:

  1. Playing the guitar is a skill that takes years of practice to master.
  2. There are relatively few professional guitarists compared to other musicians.
  3. Guitars are popular instruments in various genres, from country music to metalcore.
  4. Guitars can be played solo or in a band setting, which gives guitarists more flexibility in terms of what type of music they can play and where they can perform.

All these factors together mean a high demand for skilled professional guitarists, and those who can capitalize on that demand can earn a perfect living. If you want to become a professional guitarist, start by practicing your skills regularly and learning as much about different genres of music as you can. And don’t be afraid to start playing gigs at local venues – that’s how most professional guitarists get their start.

However, becoming good at playing guitar will take a lot of work. Here are a few tips to help you with the process.

Identify Your Practice Routines

Playing the guitar is a skill that takes years of practice to master. One of the best ways to improve your guitar playing skills is to practice regularly. But what does the regular procedure entail?

First, you need to identify your practice routine. What time of day do you have the most energy? When can you set aside time for practice each day? Once you know when you can practice, try establishing a routine that includes at least 30 minutes of playing each day.

If you can’t fit 30 minutes of practice into your daily routine, try to break it into smaller chunks. For example, you could practice for 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening, and 10 minutes on the weekend. Just stick to your routine as much as possible, so you don’t lose momentum.

Second, you need to choose what you want to practice. Some countless exercises and songs can help improve your guitar playing skills. But it’s essential to focus on specific areas that need improvement. If you’re struggling with a particular technique, for example, then focus on exercises that will help improve that technique. Or, if you want to learn a new song, find a tutorial online and work through the steps slowly until you have mastered it.

Practice makes perfect, and it might take years before you start to play or teach professionally. Fortunately, you can ensure you are ready when the time comes.

Invest in the Right Gear

A person playing the guitar using instruments

To play the guitar professionally, you must have the right gear. It doesn’t mean you need the most expensive equipment available, but it does mean that you should invest in quality gear. The guitar itself is an essential piece of equipment. But you’ll also need an amplifier, a tuner, a metronome, and other accessories.

When buying a guitar, finding one that feels comfortable playing is essential. The size and shape of the guitar will impact how comfortable it is to play. So take your time when shopping for a guitar, and make sure you try out different types to find the perfect one for you.

A custom guitar pedal board might also be a good investment. It will help you organize your guitar pedals and keep them within easy reach. In addition to the guitar, you’ll need an amplifier. If you’re playing electric guitar, you must have an amp to amplify the sound. There are different types of amps available, so choose one that’s well suited to the kind of music you want to play. For example, if you’re playing metalcore, you might need a high-gain amplifier.

You should also invest in a tuner and a metronome. A tuner will help you keep your guitar in tune, while a metronome will help you maintain a consistent tempo when playing. These two devices are essential for any guitarist, so make sure you add them to your collection of gear.

Enroll in Classes or Lessons

You can learn how to play the guitar on your own, but enrolling in classes or lessons might be helpful. Guitar classes will teach you the basics of playing, such as how to hold the instrument, tune the strings, and make basic chords. You’ll also learn essential techniques, such as strumming and picking.

If you decide to take guitar classes, make sure you find a qualified instructor. The instructor should be able to answer any questions you have and help you progress at a comfortable pace. It’s also essential to find a class that’s convenient for you. For example, if you have a busy schedule, you might want to find an online course you can complete at your own pace.

In addition to classes, there are also guitar lessons available. These typically teach you how to play specific songs or improve techniques. Guitar lessons are often more expensive than classes, but they can be worth the investment if you’re serious about learning how to play the instrument.


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how to become a professional guitarist. But by following the tips above, you can put yourself on the path to success. Remember to practice regularly, invest in quality gear, and enroll in classes or lessons to help you improve your skills. You can achieve your dream of becoming a professional guitarist with dedication and hard work.

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