Developing Proper Work-Life Balance

Instead of beating the clock, you get beaten by the clock. You are always rushing things and it seems like there is not enough time. When you don’t have enough time, you often neglect some parts of your life. The problem is, some of these parts are important.

You don’t notice it, but little by little, not having proper time management is slowly damaging your life.


Not having enough time can lead to broken relationships not just between a couple, but between a parent to his or her kid.

Having no time for your kids alienates you from them. It also keeps you out of the loop of important things happening to your child, especially when he or she is still developing.

Spending less time with the kids drives them to spend more time with other people. A single parent may find him or herself less favored over his or his ex. A child may also find other closer and deeper relationships with grandparents or friends. Or, your child can become dependent on social media as he or she longs for a semblance of connection you cannot provide.


Not having a healthy relationship with your children can impact their overall well-being. Studies reveal that without proper guidance from parents, a child is more likely to develop emotional and behavioral disorders.

Young professionals who do not have kids may think that this is not their concern. But having no proper work-life balance can affect their physical and mental health too.

Having inadequate time to rest can cause fatigue and lack of coordination. Lack of rest can also result in stress and anxiety. All of these things are factors that can decrease your performance at work.

Increased Expectations

Devoting most of your time to work leads to greater expectations from your colleagues. As you keep working quietly, your co-workers or business partners may think that you can handle everything that is thrown at you. But the truth is you are already overwhelmed with all the tasks, but you just can’t say no.

man holding a baby

Life Management

You are not just managing your time. You are managing your life. To best manage your time, some of these things may come in handy:

1. Learn to say no

Saying no does not mean you are rejecting or ignoring responsibilities. It just means not yet, or not at the moment. This is how you set boundaries. Let your colleagues know that you are reserving a specific time to take a break and spend time with important people in your life. This way, they will not see you as someone they can easily push around and take advantage of.

2. Learn to prioritize

It is about saying no at the right time. As a smart individual, you should know which matters are urgent and which ones can be set aside. This way, you remain a reliable member of the company while setting some time for yourself and your family.

3. Find a job or a business you love

Some people do not mix business with pleasure, while some find this an effective way to avoid burnout. Doing a job that you love will not feel like work, thus reducing stress and pressure. If you’re an entrepreneur, establishing a business such as a vacation rental can be a great idea. This way you can manage your business while you and your family occasionally enjoy the perks of having a vacation home.

4. Learn how to pause

Just like when you are physically ill, you must also take a sick leave when your mental health is at risk. Harvard Business Review mentions that an employee has a right to apply for mental health leaves. Americans with Disabilities Act is a law that prohibits companies to discriminate against an employee that has a mental health issue. So the next time you need a mental health break, do not hesitate to coordinate with your HR.

5. Quality over quantity

Time is important but it needs to be used wisely.

The Washington Post mentions in an article that for parents, especially moms, spending quality time with their kids is more important than the amount of time they spend with them. When it comes to child-rearing, time spent on sharing meals and engaging children with one-on-one conversations often has a positive outcome.

Quality over quantity is also true for young professionals. Time should be spent less on procrastination but on doing things that will add value to your personal life.

Proper work-life balance

In an emergency, everybody is taught to save self first before saving others. This is also true when it comes to proper time management and work-life balance. Before you perform well in a job or have a great relationship with your family, you need to take care of yourself first.

You are your number one priority. Make sure that you give yourself enough rest to recover, so you can give the best you can in everything you do.

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