Resimercial Office Design: Bringing Your Home in the Office Space

The modern workforce is becoming more critical of their office spaces. They seek inspiring, comfortable spaces that bring a sense of calm, relaxation, and productivity at the same time. To respond to these changes, forward-thinking companies are making efforts by creating offices with residential sensibility in mind. This paves the way for a new design movement in corporate spaces called resimercial design.

As employees start to return to corporate offices after a tumultuous period caused by COVID-19 and unconventional work arrangements, it’s about time to rethink the new workspaces post-pandemic. To help employees transition back to the physical workplace, employers should consider denormalizing offices to create workstations that almost feel like home. This means creating stress-free environments and less-structured areas with non-corporate styles and softer designs.

When we think of residential-style environments, we think of fluffy pillows, velvet sofas, and even a soft indoor mat for the front door. But beyond these stylish pieces, resimercial design offers more than comfort in the traditional workplace. So if you’re ready to adopt this new design movement in your office, here’s what you need to know about resimercial design.

What is resimercial design?

Resimercial design refers to the furnishing and layout styles that bring the domestic feel of residential furniture into the workplace. It combines the office culture and the specific needs of employees, complemented with materials and products made for a unique purpose. When done well, resimercial design can bring a positive change in employees’ wellbeing, ideation, collaboration, and overall productivity.

Resimercial design combines a friendly and cheerful atmosphere into the workplace—the perfect balance to institutional formality without neglecting professionalism. A resimercial office sparks a home-style feeling through the use of simple materials, textures, accessories, and details that liven up the atmosphere and the occupants’ senses.

Similarly, this design trend recognizes the need for different workspaces for different methods, moods, and moments. Each area should include spaces that accommodate different modes of activity just like in any domestic environment. For example, if a house has a living area where occupants can interact casually, a resimercial office should include social zones such as coffee bars and break areas. Employees can chat over meals or a cup of coffee in these areas.

Ideally, a resimercial office engages employees in a work environment where professionalism and intellect not only come to work. The purpose of resimercial design is to strike a balance among patterns, fabrics, textures, colors, and materials. These create a feeling of security, familiarity, and warmth while considering the commercial durability and pragmatic productivity required in the modern workplace.

employees talking

Common features of resimercial design

Before looking into the benefits of a resimercial-style office, it’s better if we get a good look at what this new design trend looks like. Generally, resimercial design can easily fit into any type of work environment, whether formal or informal, as long as it emphasizes the following aspects:

  • Amenities. High-end amenities make a big difference to the traditional office atmosphere by incorporating wellness and comfort while reinforcing productivity. Some examples are coffee facilities, catering options, and fitness spaces.
  • Accessories. Instead of abstract paintings and motivational quotes, a resimercial office wouldn’t be complete without home-like accessories, such as rugs, lamps, potted plants, and other design elements that create a warm and visually uplifting space.
  • Comfort. This is another key factor in resimercial spaces. From comfortable couches, ergonomic office chairs, and lounges, furniture pieces should offer an excellent value for their looks, ergonomics, and comfort.
  • Natural lighting. Intrusive lighting and harsh fluorescents are a big no in resimercial offices. To achieve this, individual task lighting and warm ambient lighting can maximize natural light if there’s no access to sunlight. Top it off with light fittings to add style and visual focal points to the space.

Benefits of resimercial design

Resimercial design is not just a seasonal office design trend; it accommodates the increasing demands of the workplace evolution. It allows the employees to feel engaged and comfortable by bringing the residential aspects of our homes into our offices.

Sitting inside a four-walled cubicle can feel demotivating and exhausting, especially if the place feels stuffy and uncomfortable. This design trend solves this by creating a space where employees feel supported, uplifted, and highly motivated to work, collaborate, and socialize in their spot. Also, it aims to create spaces that promote social interactions and encourage employees to be productive. These activities help sparks creativity, which is an imperative skill in today’s global market.

As employees return to their physical offices, most of them expect a hybrid blend of practicality and comfort. Incorporating resimercial design in the office can cater to this demand as it reflects employees’ desire for comfortable and flexible environments. In the end, nothing feels better when working at a place where employees can be their most productive selves.

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