What Makes Generation Z a Well-Suited Batch for Small Entrepreneurship

In the business world, we always anticipate what the incoming generation has to offer. These days, millennials are already making their mark in business but Gen Zers are what caught the attention of the public. They still have many years ahead of them and the oldest is only in their early to mid-20s.

But many already believe they are the most entrepreneurial generation out of all current generations. Here’s what makes Generation Z well-suited for entrepreneurship.

They Want to Work More for Themselves

According to a study, 46% of Gen Zers are already freelancers. Our youngsters these days would rather have a freelancing gig instead of working full-time in the traditional workforce.

Gen Z wants to work more for themselves to enjoy flexibility. Most of them are already earning their own money. Aside from their freelance of side gig jobs, many are either planning on building their own business or already started their own small company.

This goes to show that Generation Z is willing to do more if it meant not having to work for others. They are self-reliant but are not afraid to ask for help, and they do research. They are also socially responsible and want to make the world a better place, which is also one of the reasons why they want to build purpose-driven brands.

They Won’t Settle for Less

Young people these days are also passionate about everything they do, be it in supporting sustainable practices or criticizing discrimination. They want to do something they are passionate about, and this shows in their work ethics. If they don’t like how a company works and if does not support the employee’s mental health, then they are very much willing to move on instead of staying.

Since Generation Z doesn’t settle for anything less and loves to pursue their passion, they make them great entrepreneurs. Remember that if you want to succeed in business, you need to be passionate enough in solving the problems of your clients. You’re not just here to take their money, but to actually change their lives for the better.

They Love and Breathe Technology

What makes Generation Z unique is the fact that they are digital natives. Unlike millennials who grew up with technology, Gen Zers, on the other hand, breathe technology. They use technology in virtually everything, but they still value real interaction, which helps in keeping up with customer demands both online and offline.

Thanks to their love for technology, this makes it easier for them to track the latest business trends, spot opportunities other generations fail to see, and showcase their talent through innovation. Just take a look at what Gen Z small business owners do on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. They use this to introduce their brand and even help other small business owners by giving them valuable business tips.

One of the fast-growing business trends among Gen Zers is personalized apparel. They are not afraid to show their viewers how they do heat transfer, and they even recommend suppliers such as Insta Graphic Systems. They do this for marketing purposes, to garner vies and engage with their followers are also part of their customer base.

They are Financially Responsible

One remarkable thing about Generation Z is that at their tender age, they already know the importance of money. They plan on saving their cash in their 20s. Those who are already working have started banking for their retirement years.

They saw their parents struggling financially due to the Great Recession and the current pandemic. They plan on doing a better job financially. Gen Z also plans to grow their wealth early on by building their own brand or through other investment types.

They are Encouraged Entrepreneurship by Other Generations


Generation Z makes use of the internet that is bombarded with entrepreneurial resources, making it easier for them to love the idea of entrepreneurial life. One quick search on the internet, and they can already easily find lots of business tips and strategies you can adopt when building a company. Online courses are made available even for young people who are interested in entrepreneurship.

College campuses are now holding immersive business seminars and workshops. Social platforms are filled with blogs and newsletters giving both free and paid stories, videos, and blogs that give young people a glimpse of what it is like living an entrepreneurial life. Business leaders also help in encouraging young people to take the leap and to not give up on their entrepreneurial dreams.

These are but five reasons why Gen Z has what it takes to dominate the business world. Their values and traits are what every entrepreneur needs to have to be successful. Add the fact that they have tons of resources they take advantage of already sets the stage for their future in business. This goes to show that even if they are the youngest generational cohort to enter the workplace, they still have an edge compared to older generations. If they leverage these advantages, then they can soon dominate the business world.

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