Tips for Working Internationally as a Young Mother

Having a child is a big responsibility, especially for young mothers. With the rising cost of living in many countries and the fact that it’s still challenging to find good jobs with decent pay, it can be challenging for young moms to provide for their families. Many young moms have turned to find employment abroad to improve their financial situation. But it can be challenging. In fact, being a young mother working abroad can be quite hard, especially if you don’t know what to expect or have any experience in the field. Here are just some major challenges young moms are facing and how you can overcome them.

Language barriers

Working abroad is already tricky, but the language barrier makes things even harder. Suppose you don’t know how to speak the language of your host country. In that case, it will be difficult for you to communicate with your coworkers, supervisors, and other people in general. It’s best if you learn at least basic phrases before leaving so that they can help you get around when necessary.

Cultural differences

Working abroad can definitely be a culture shock. You will be surrounded by people with different ways of thinking, talking, and doing things. Before leaving, you must learn about their culture and traditions so that you won’t feel like an outsider when you arrive at your new workplace. Learning more about the culture will also help you understand why certain things are done and how to get along better with your coworkers.

Lifestyle changes

woman sitting in cafe working on laptop

Working abroad can also be a lifestyle change. You’ll be in a new environment and will have to adapt to the different ways of living. This is especially true if you’re moving to another country where things are done differently than they are back home. Suppose you were a stay-at-home mom before working abroad. In that case, this transition might be both a challenging and gratifying experience. Finding more free time at home because you don’t have to look after your children may feel overwhelming. You’ll have to decide what to do with your newfound free time alone, but this can also be an opportunity to develop new skills or interests that you can use to supplement your income.

Spending habits

As a mother working abroad, one of your main priorities is to save or send money back home. However, being in a new country can also bring about new expenses you may not have had back home, whether due to the cost of living or the need to buy more things. You may also find yourself with more free time while you’re abroad, so it’s essential to budget your spending and ensure that you aren’t spending more than what you can afford. While it’s vital that you also make the most out of your time abroad by exploring the country and trying new things, saving some money for when you need it.


Feeling homesick isn’t something to be ashamed of. Still, it’s also important to remember that feeling homesick is a normal part of being abroad. You may find yourself missing your kids, spouse, or even food from back home, so it’s important to be prepared for this and make sure that you have someone to talk to about how you’re feeling. There are also many great ways to connect with your loved ones back home online.

Talking through social media and video calls over Skype are all easy ways to stay in touch with your family. There are also great door-to-door pick up courier services that allow you to send and receive parcels and letters from home. These services are popular because they allow you to send gifts to your kids and samples of your host country’s culture back home.

Missing milestones

Last but certainly not least, missing the critical milestones in your child’s life, like birthdays, holidays, and graduations, can be really hard. Nothing is worse than missing out on these essential moments in your child’s life. Still, it is something you can prepare for before you leave. The first thing to do is to ensure your child knows how to reach you and, more importantly, when they can expect a reply.

Make sure that any other family members who may be involved in the care of your child are aware of this too. If you are going on holiday with your family before you leave home, then try to schedule it around one of the milestones so that someone will be there for them when it happens.

In Closing

When preparing to leave home for the first time, it can be challenging to know what is essential and what isn’t. The best thing to do is to talk with your family about what they want from you while you’re away and make sure they know how important they are to you. Communicate with your kids and ensure they understand that you love and miss them.

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