Adjusting Your Auto Shop Marketing for 2021

A January report by ValuePenguin states that 91.3% of households in the U.S. have access to at least one vehicle. This reveals an upward trend in car ownership in America.

With this many vehicle users in the country, car shops have a ripe harvesting ground for new customers. The challenge, however, lies in capturing a loyal customer base in the sea of competitors, also working to attract their own clientele. How do you make your business visible to potential customers?

As the world moves towards a time after COVID-19, auto shops need to adjust with the times. A smart and current marketing strategy will drive better sales this 2021.

Keeping Your Shop on Top

Your marketing will not translate to long-term results if your physical shop does not have much to deliver. One negative review can be detrimental for you, so it’s important to keep your shop in its best shape.

1. Upgrade your services.

Are your equipment and offerings up to date? Do regular research on the latest technologies. These innovations can speed up and make more accurate diagnoses for car repair issues.

Aside from repair services, your shop should also make room for cosmetic adjustments. There are automotive paint booths in the market that quickly accomplish paint jobs. Source from suppliers who have ETL-certified booths, which comply with North American safety standards.

As technologies continue to evolve, it is equally important to hire technicians and repairmen who adapt well. Reliable human capital increases customer loyalty.

2. Regularly promote health and safety.

Due to the pandemic, customers are likely to seek assurance of adequate sanitary protocols in establishments. Practice a tried-and-tested set of guidelines and let your customers recognize these efforts.

Have employees wear masks at all times. Put up signs for the convenience of everyone on the premises of the shop. Create an environment that reassures both staff and customers of their safety.

3. Promote personalized services.

Personalized solutions are not new in the auto repair industry. But promote and package your specialized services as custom solutions for every customer. You can also play in-store demo videos and explainers to familiarize customers with how you work.

These signal trustworthiness and care to your customers. It alleviates their reservations and doubts, especially if they are new to your auto shop.

Engaging Customers Online

Good services reach a wider audience through a substantial online presence. Bolstering your digital marketing efforts can be the key to reaching previously untapped markets, especially during the pandemic when many people rely on information online.

1. Be responsive and receptive.

When customers are aware of your business through social media platforms, these spaces also become alternative customer service channels. And nobody likes to wait. Promptly respond to customer queries through comments and messages because a lack of responses can turn away many of your potential customers.

You should also be receptive to their feedback and needs. For instance, do you have customers asking for automobile care tips or the latest innovations? Accommodate these in your social media plans by making posts, infographics, or short explainer videos to help them.

man working

2. Have social media-exclusive promos.

Give your clients a reason to visit your social media pages. Create promos that are only available to social media followers, which they can then show at your shop to confirm the discount. You may also incentivize page likes, mentions, check-ins, and reviews to encourage more people to engage with your content.

3. Post your finished projects.

Potential customers form an opinion of you from the first few scrolls through your online pages. One effective way to show your services is to post before-and-after photos of your finished projects. These can be repair jobs or exterior improvements.

Ask permission from your clients, and then show works on your social media pages. While not everyone will take the time to read long blog posts, it is easier to capture their attention through a couple of photos that show your skill and versatility.

4. Have rewards for loyal customers.

Happy customers are your best marketing team. Keep them excited by starting a rewards program for loyal clients. Offer freebies and discounts for every visit to encourage them to keep returning to you for services.

When your customers feel valued and are satisfied with the treatment they receive, they are more willing to come back. When they are willing to come back, they are also more likely to recommend your auto shop to people they know.

This year, your auto shop should invest in building its customer base. Be sensitive to their needs and concerns during this time, and readily respond to their needs. Relatability and quality of service will set you apart from competitors.

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