Quick Home Makeover Projects to Keep You Busy

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live. As recommended by health experts, most of us are staying at home, reducing our social interactions, and practicing physical distancing these days. Staying at home, however, does not mean isolating yourself completely and doing nothing at all. While homebound, this is an excellent opportunity to pay more attention to your living spaces.

Taking on one or two home improvement projects will not only make your house a better and more comfortable place to live. It will also take your mind off the pandemic and promote better mental health by being productive.

Fix broken furniture

Do you have broken or scratched furniture lying around in your house, but you have zero carpentry skills? Got a loose dining table leg or a wobbly chair? No problem. Some furniture repair takes minor effort to complete.

Wooden furniture pieces are prone to scratches and chips and can suffer from loose joints and parts after years of use, but sometimes all you need are a few things to make them look new and fully functional again. There are many essential furniture repair tools such as finishing paste wax, sandpaper, wood markers or fillers, and wood glue that you can easily purchase.

For furniture with loose joints and parts, you can simply use wood glue to tighten the loose joints and re-attach the broken pieces. For scratches and chips, you can either use a finishing paste wax of the same color or wood markers or fillers.

Repaint your favorite room

A beautiful paint job can transform a space and do wonders for a home, but if you find it tedious to repaint your entire home, you can pick your favorite room instead. Are you a bookworm who spends hours on your reading nook in the bedroom? Or perhaps a new pastry enthusiast who’s just discovering the art of baking these past few months?

No matter what you’re into these days, a fresh coat of paint to your favorite space will give it a clean, polished look and will make the days ahead more exciting. And whether it’s the living room, the master bedroom, or the kitchen, you can always choose a color that sets the mood and matches your style.

Neutral colors such as grey, pale green, steel blue, and crisp white are classic choices and always work well with any room. But if you want to make the walls and ceilings look alive, you can opt for bolder, more pigmented shades like pink, orange, green, and red.

minimalistic indoor space

Create a photo wall

Do you want to be reminded of your most treasured moments with your family, friends, and colleagues, especially now that you’re staying indoors most of the time? Create your very own gallery wall! 

A gallery wall turns a bland, dull space into an instant accent wall and gives character to your home. The gallery wall is usually placed in the living room, hallway, and staircase, but you can always choose any available space in your home.

You can pick your favorite moments and put them on display—from birthdays, weddings, and graduations to anniversaries, reunions, and travels. Aside from family photographs, you can also display your favorite posters and artworks. If you plan to create your own arrangement, check out Pinterest for design inspiration.

Add some greenery to your space

Plants give an instant vibrance to any space. They are inexpensive ornaments and are useful in purifying indoor air quality, which means they are good for your health, too. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has even released a list of the best air-purifying plants, including the spider plant, snake plant, and a variety of palm plants, which are also low-maintenance.

To make your mini indoor garden, choose the plants that will thrive best in your home conditions. You can pick any corner in your house, but it is best to place the plants somewhere sunny so they can get plenty of sunlight and humidity. Put them in stylish containers to add a touch of chic to your space.

Staying indoors during these challenging times is not a pleasant experience entirely, but you can make the most out of it by doing the things that you have been putting off. You can also share this experience with your family and friends and treat it as a bonding time. 

With a little imagination, you can come up with more little home improvement projects to make each day more exciting and worthwhile. Take this time to assess how you can enhance your home. Who knows? You might complete more projects you never thought you could pull off on your own.

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